Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 3: Social Media Privacy and Excel

This week in IST lecture we discussed safety in regards to the use of social media websites and Excel.  Proper use of social media websites is very much related to my idea of virtual wedding planning.  We would have to have many safety and privacy precautions set up to ensure that our users were using the website for the proper goal, to find a wedding planner.  We wouldn't want any problems with stalking, harassment or content of a sexual nature to occur.  But, we also would not want our user to drastically limit the amount of information they put on the website.  In order to properly match couples with wedding planners, we would need quite a but of information from both parties, but would want the viewers to this information to be very limited.  It is important that we find a balance between enough and too much information.

Knowing how to use excel properly would be a very important skill of our wedding planners.  Not only would it be a good way to keep an updated database for all of our planners and couples, and their contact information, but it's a very good organizational tool for wedding planners to use.  Excel is a great way to create budgets, keep track of figures and spending, lists vendors and their informations and create production plans and schedules for events.

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