Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 6 Bits and Bytes

This week in lecture, after taking our exam, we discussed bits and bytes.

Knowledge about these two subjects wold be very important in the digital wedding planning business.  Much of the informtation that wedding planners will be sharing with their clients and vice versa will be through the use of video, audio clips and photos.  Wedding planners main way to connect with their brides, other than impersonel email, will be through the exchange of video.  To look pprofessonal and put faith in a couple, the video sent has to be one of good quaility.  Because of this, a planner must unterstand the data it takes to send a video message of good quality and be using a computer that is equipped to do so.

There are many small details that go into planning parties, from decorations like tables settings and floral arrangements, to selections of attire for the bridal party and more.  It is important that the wedding planner and the coule are well aware of the decisions being made by each other.  Because this is a virtual process, the bride and planner will not be meeting with vendors and there to make decisions together.  The exchange of photgraphs will play a huge role in the planning process.  Planners would send pictures of venues, decorations and many other things to their couples in order for them to make a decisions so a planner can crate contracts and make purchases.  Like wise, a bride may want to send pictures of her dress or samples of the colors she has choosen to her wedding planner.

Bits play a huge role in the color depth of photography.  A one bit depth picture is in grayscale, while a sixteen bit depth picture is in bright colors.  In between, the shades and intesity of colors are shifted.  This would play ahuge role in the exhange of pictures between a planner and his or her couple.  While one shade may not be a difference to everyone, it could be the difference between the bridal parties shoes matching their dresses or not.  In the planning of events, matching and coordination is a huge focal point.  It is important to keep this in mind when taking and sharing pictures.

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