Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 8: Blog Review Post

This week, instead of relating my entrepreneurial  idea to the topics discussed in lecture this week I was challenged to find a well-known blogger in the technological or entrepreneurial fields.  Because entrepreneurship is more related to my course of study in school, Hospitality Management, I began researching these bloggers rather than technologically related bloggers.

In my research, I cam across Anita Campbell's blog.  Anita Campbell is the founder, CEO and executive editor of Small Business Trends, a website that updates readers on the current trends that are impacting, both positively and negatively, the small business segment.  Although studying law in school, Anita has been an "entrepreneur at heart" all of her life.  She has become a well-known speaker and also has her own radio show.

With a very extensive background including studies and interests in banking, information technology, human resources, marketing and eCommerce. Anita is able to share a lot of information on a varied array of subjects.  While her main topics include entrepreneurs, the trends in the small business segment and trends in technology, she also covers many other subjects.  As trending right now, Anita discusses how to use social media properly and in an effective way to help a start-up and growing business. Recently she has gone into a lot of detail about how trends are affecting  the way consumers buying behaviors. Anita also discusses the expectations business owners have.  Combining both the entrepreneurial spirit and techology, Anita often discusses the creation of online business communities.
If you want to know more about Anita Campbell, or read some of her posts, go to . 

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