Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 9: Final Blog Post

After eight weeks of posting on my idea of a virtual wedding planning site and relating it to the topics covered in IST 195, the project is finally coming to an end.

Overall, this project helped me relate the topics we were discussing in class to subjects I was interested to (because technology is not necessarily my strong point) which in turn helped me get a better understanding of what we were learning.  Throughout the eight weeks, my idea of virtual wedding planning as evolved into an idea that could actually be put into action.  I know have a better technological sense of the necessities that would go into it, which would be key in a technologically based business.

Even after completing this project and seeing it come better into fruition, I do not believe that this is ever something I would consider doing.  First off, I do not have enough knowledge of interest in technology to create a business that directly relies on technology.  Without this, I would not be able to be as successful or invested in the company.  Also, even through just writing some of the blog posts, I was bored and dissapointed by the lack of personal interaction in my idea.  I enjoy working with people and like to have impacts on them throughout the process.  With my idea of virtual wedding planning, I do not see myself getting what I want out of being a wedding planner.

I commented on Reijie Lou's third blog and the first blog posts of Yiyoa Zhou and You Jin Jeong.

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